Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where the world is

I think this first post should be about where the world is - the state of things in this early 21st century. I suppose I'll make my next post a bit about me - My state.

This will just be a very basic introduction. Many of these themes /topics are covered better and more extensively on other blogs and websites of various kinds. However, I've yet to see them all synthesized or put in one spot where one can sort of get a "big picture" of what life is like for people in the early part of the 21st century and the challenges we humans, as a species face.


First, humanity is currently facing 3 major crises that seem to have arrived all about the same time. These crises affect you whether you are a poor indiginous 3rd world farmer, or a prosperous software engineer in the US. One may disagree about the severity and the timing, but not about their existence. The three are:

A. Peak Oil
B. Global Warming
C. The Global economic crisis

It would be ridiculous to claim they are all unrelated. It would also be ridiculous to claim that I, or anyone has a full understanding of them.

Some would claim there is a fourth: global overpopulation. Due to the fact that population sustanabilities are partly based on technological infrastructure I do not agree, though I retain an open mind on this subject.

In addition western nations, the US and Great Britain in particular are facing severe internal political crises. Surprisingly these are mostly "below the radar" phenonenon and they do not appear to be caused by A, B, or C. They merely exist to potentially serve as examples of the limits of human political engineering. The political crises are -

A. The splitting of the United States into what may be reasonably termed "tribal" political boundaries. This is partly because of the "multiculturalism" phenomenom - "political correctness" and other modern philosophies have served to atomize loyalty to one's political state. This is also a function of the US having evolved over the past 40 years into what is basically a plutocracy -monied corporate interests - indeed, moneyed political interests as well- make the rules and command the allegience of the Congress and Presidency. Because of this, neither of the two political parties gives much allegience to its base -making them in many ways merely mirror images of each other, the spittle of the Limbaughs and Hannity's be dammned. And thus is the citizenry disenfranchised as government grows increasingly bigger and more intrusive.

B. The destruction of family life and the fall out of the effects of radical feminism, old-style chivalry, and two -earner families. Blogs such as Whiskey, Novaseeker, Glenn Sacks, Roissy in DC, and commentaters such as Roger Devlin cover this ground extensively as well as the emergence of "game" theory as the emergence of the first ever coordinated male response to female hypergamy. If not for illegal immigration, the US's population would decline, as Europes already has, meanwhile whites are not breeding enough replace their population -thus causing a shifting ethnic change demographically. Changes in the legal system have downright destroyed the institution of marriage, and many changes in the laws effectively discriminate and disenfranchise men when it comes to issues such as reproductive rights and incarcaration. Basically the west has tried an experiment never before done in human social history: it has fully unleashed female sexuality without consequences legal or social as well as cultivated a culture of libertinism - not to be confused with libertarianism.

Because of all of the above, things look pretty bleak for the immediate future.

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